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Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test iBT with Answer Key (Audiobook) - Deborah Phillips

Аудиокнига: Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test iBT with Answer Key | Подготовка к экзамену Тоэфль с ответами
Год: 2006
Автор: Deborah Phillips | Дебора Филлипс
Категория: Изучение английского языка
Издательство: Pearson Education Ltd.
Язык: Английский
Формат книги: PDF
Формат: MP3, 128 kbps
Размер: 651 Мб

Deborah Phillips has been teaching English for over twenty-five years with an emphasis on test preparation and academic skills preparation. She has led seminars and participated in conferences on test preparation and English language teaching in Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, France, Spain, Indonesia, Japan, Korea ...

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